ADD People — +ADD Strategy
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+ADD People

Supplementing your team


+ADD People

Supplementing your team

We see ourselves as an innovation partner

We work with larger organisations who often have specialists and part roles in innovation. However, it is a broad church with a wide range of skills coming into play to create an effective ecosystem and to realise results and adoption.

Source: Volvo UK

Source: Volvo UK

There are a lot of plates to spin …

Every now and again that it would be useful to supplement your own team with innovation team players …for more than just a one project or a few days.

Some of projects last more than a few months, a year and some 2 years. Our community is flexible and we can provide you with supplementary skills and people or teams to work with …backed by the broader +ADD family.

Reasons for supplementing your own teams

Exploring, defining and framing challenges objectively

Developing a clear future vision framed by well justified business drivers and objectives is a resource intensive process . We can offer resource to enable your organisation to better articulate needs and rapidly collaborate to establish solutions.

Introducing different thinking - complementing your technical team with design thinkers

Sometimes different thinking is required to overcome challenges, accelerate development and enable realisation of solutions in practice.  Beyond better defining its needs, design led rationale and agile innovation methods enable an organisation to re-think whole processes and systems with diverse and creative input. 

Developing capacity to realise change

There are diverse barriers to change and adoption. Success requires combining clear vision, systems thinking and contemporary agile & design led innovation versus traditional technology adoption and procurement processes. We offer new approaches to resourcing for development of business cases, developing collaborations and partnerships and commercial support.

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Skills in our community

Skills in our community

Skills in our community

Skills in our community

Skills on offer:

We help you create teams to support agile and design led innovation, change and transformation

Strategic focus

  • Technology and market insight

  • Innovation and transformation strategy

  • Culture and engagement

  • Innovation skills and learning

  • Technology marketing strategy

  • Service excellence strategy

Practitioner skills

  • Technology scouting and road-mapping

  • Innovation project management

  • Problem solving and design thinking

  • Business process modelling and design

  • Service and experiential design

  • Concept and proposition testing

Adoption and commercialisation

  • Prototype/ Product validation

  • Technology commercialisation

  • IP licensing and negotiations

  • Fundraising & sponsorship

  • Enterprise & investment

  • Implementation planning


unique resourcing

unique resourcing

unique resourcing

unique resourcing


Our team is made up of an experienced community of experts in all aspects of innovation, change and transformation.  BUT we take your lead... we know YOU HAVE GREAT PEOPLE and want to build to fill the gaps in your team. We are here to help...

We offer support for resolving critical short term gaps, strengthening project teams, supporting innovation projects and filling project gaps in specific skills and experience. We can help you shape your brief and to find the best candidates.

Many of our specialist community of associates have worked as interims and on short/ medium term project assignments.  Further, our team know the innovation communities across diverse sectors and skills requirements for specific scenario’s.

Importantly, we know how to get them up and running, contributing to your initiative as soon as possible.

We offer a range of contracting solutions:

  • Short term project based deployment - contractor and team solutions

  • Retained contracting

  • Fixed term Interim

  • Supply chain contracting (Tier 1)

  • Framework partnering

email for more details or call us on 0203 868 6356