
Defining a brands visual signature

Defining a brands visual signature


Defining a brands visual signature

Defining a brands visual signature


Few companies manage to build visual consistency and certainly fewer do this across different categories.

Creating a visual signature

This initiative is an interesting design challenge. 

We are seeking input into interpreting and extracting principal elements of an established consumer product brand which form the foundation of a style aesthetic.

The brand like many contemporary businesses has multiple stakeholders.  The owner, a product proposition house; the manufacturer in current category (bedding), for which the brand represents major revenue; and new potential partners in an adjacent category (manufacturers of chairs and upholstery), who are interested in applying the brand in new product ventures.


Can you assist Mammoth in considering the visual essence of the brand in product design, and what it represents?  

Can you create principles for product signature and expression in different product categories (Chairs and Sofas)?


Why the move

Why the move


From beds ...to chairs

This project sees Mammoth move its successful brand into a new category.  While early moves are already underway it is recognised the business need to crystallise proposition that can transition categories without diluting the brand proposition.

Dyson ...Supersonic

Dyson ...Supersonic

From cleaning to personal care

Dyson is an example of a product signature which transends product categories.

Few companies mange to do this successfully.


early attempts

early attempts

Why make the move

Mammoth has already been successful in developing a product for the riser recliner market. 

While the products were functional the transfer to a new product category saw the loss of product identity. The development demonstrated to the business the need to refocus as different customers engaged with this product developed.




Register to participate

It couldn't be easier to get involved.

Simply complete your details on the form here to enquire or register to participate.  




Toffee Factory
Lower Steenbergs Yard, Quayside, Ouseburn
Newcastle upon Tyne


Getting involved

Getting involved

getting involved


Our interest is in meeting product design contributors who can support the brand ongoing with design and innovation programmes.

Please Quote Request 406/19