What is the agenda?
We are conscious much of the content released on innovation is light touch and we want to explore more complex and challenging aspects of innovation leadership and management with a corporate practice audience.
Why should I participate?
As +ADD we are obviously keen to build our brand but are happy to share the opportunity and investment we are making in building reach with others involved in the industry who offer genuine and complimentary insight, expertise and experience.
The content will also be edited into pod casts, video bytes, video compilations and articles.
Your logo and personal brand will be used in a range of media communications offering personal profiling both in delegate recruitment, showcasing, pre-event communications and in after-works including media releases and distribution of podcast, video and press releases.
The series will be delivered over the next 10 months. Events are being scheduled for the third Thursday of every months with a few exceptions. Given this there is plenty of opportunity to get involved.
What is the format?
The sessions are two and a half hours long with talks, interactive elements and exercises. We anticipate four speakers per session.
There will be pre-session engagement with aspects of the audiences including voxpops, polls and insight sessions. You will be provided opportunity to influence content.
Content will be strictly managed to avoid selling and promotion and to maintain focus on the learning content and agenda. Given this we will support developing content collaboratively with participant speakers.
Thank you for indicating an interest in speaking in our upcoming innovation masterclass series.
The series follows a highly successful webinar programme delivered in April and May.
We had over 200 delegates attending 3 webinars involving 12 speakers.
The programme was an overwhelming success attracting management and leadership from a wide range of sectors, with many from blue chips and large complex organisations.
How can I participate?
We are looking for external specialists and experts and authors to join the sessions and are offering talk and panel slots.
We are not seeking sponsorship and participation is at no cost. we are happy to profile speaker/ associate brands as part of the initiative. We have already secured speakers from a host of major corporates and agencies.
The sessions are with a discrete audience and you will be advised on participants in advance.
If this is of interest, please let me know which of the following topics is of most interest for a talk slot (30 minutes).