The Fed4FIRE+ project organises a series of continuous Open Calls for SME's experiments with bi-weekly cut-off submission dates. SMEs can submit a very limited-sized proposal for a short-duration experiment (Stage 1) and once completed submit an extended project (Stage 2).
Next cut-off submission dates (every two weeks):
opening date closing date
26 May 2020 9 June 2020
9 June 2020 23 June 2020
23 June 2020 7 July 2020
7 July 2020 21 July 2020
Project full name: Fed4FIRE+: Federation for FIRE plus
Project grant agreement number: 732638
Call identifier: F4Fp-SMECall title: Fed4FIRE+ Competitive Call – Innovative Experiments “Continuous Call” | Category “SME Cascaded Experiments”
STAGE 1: Continuous submission (2-weekly cut-off dates)
STAGE 2: Regular deadlines synchronized with the standard Open Calls
Maximum requested funding per experiment:
STAGE 1: € 12 500 (incl. a max of €2 500 for patron) with a max of 40 experiments over whole of Fed4FIRE+ duration
STAGE 2: € 60 000 (incl. a max of €5 000 for patron) with a max of 8 experiments over whole of Fed4FIRE+ duration
The above-mentioned amounts include the budget for the Fed4FIRE+ partner(s) acting as Patron for the experiment. The split of budget between the experimenter and patron is flexible with a maximum set for the budget allocated to the patron as indicated per stage.
Proposals will only be accepted from a single party eligible for participation in the EC H2020-projects
Can only be selected for funding for one proposal every 6 months
Full information available here:
#security #internet-of-things #smart-cities #software #data-analytics