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Building momentum


supply chain



Building momentum


supply chain


we offer accelerated engagement & opportunity realisation

Accelerating specification of NEED

Large organisations can struggle to express their requirements. This is not surprising given the diversity of stakeholders and demands on their time and resources.

We understand that most ‘solutions’ are a combination of new and existing technology and services.

We don’t believe in silver bullets and many involve multiple vendors. New solutions need to be delivered in a risk managed way and through assured hands.

In collaboration with end customers we create programmes to unpack challenges and opportunities, redefine goals and coordinate collaborative co-design, prototyping, testing and validation.

Building engagement at the edge

Many companies seek to introduce new ideas and solutions that are unproven or represent substantial transformation and capital investments.

We focus our energies on hard to solve issues in industry seeking out longstanding unmet needs and complex challenges.

We don't believe in open innovation calls …simply because they are idea and existing solution calls.

Together with forward thinking partners, we deliver new forms of sponsored innovation challenges and programmes supporting development of common ground, business case developments and early adoption.

Our specialist teams work to help build engagement with forward thinking early adopters:

  • As an enabler of open innovation - we ensure that ALL of our events are free to attend and sponsored by the Private sector

  • We thrive on developing new opportunities and results for everyone - it’s our job

  • Our work delivers practical results including new product and services, new business models and commercial collaborations

  • We have facilitated establishment of a number of new solutions and our work has led to new tenders and contracts

  • We are proud that we do not rely on grant funding to support our works

  • We are delighted to have established a host of innovation programme partners and end customers who sponsor our work

  • We offer opportunities to get involved event sponsors, exhibitors and speakers


+ADD marketing

+ADD marketing

Don’t be led by the market; co-create with your customer

and change…everything


Searching for the right opportunity isn't easy.  We understand that making the right decision early saves time, money and effort.  Our team typically explore market scope, size and dynamics, key factors and trends in demand, market environment, structure and operation in considering ideas and opportunities.

Delving deeper into market segmentation by needs, socio or firmographics, establishing behaviours attitudes and perceptions is also critical in understanding customer types, journeys and persona's.


+ADD FEASIBILITY and case development

Several of our community have extensive experience in supporting organisations establishing business and investment cases for development.  Whether this is justification for a new asset management system, or venture capital to support proof of concept or business growth.  Our team includes a diverse range of experience from healthcare to marine engineering and renewables. 

We often work with internal teams to build business cases and support development of market evidence.  We use our extensive networks to explore and test technical feasibility and have been involved in assessment of medical devices, bank payments technology, formula one innovations through to testing new scale pension system concepts and mobile software platforms.


+ADD Insight

+ADD Insight

Understanding needs, attitudes, perceptions and behaviours

is essential to creating true value...

+ADD User, stakeholder and Consumer insight

Team members include experienced researchers, including two fellows of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a previous chair of the Northern Research Network (MRS).  user, stakeholder and consumer insight is a core part of our rationale for any initiative regardless of the domain.

Our approach is tailored to specific initiative objectives and goals.  Methods applied are diverse and range from in depth interviews to mobile and QR surveys.  This is influenced by both the stage of the project (concept through to operationalisation or market entry), and the nature of the organisation and industry we are working in.